房地产 阅读时间:6分钟

房地产 Strategies of the Rich 和 Famous


Famous people are all too human. 小报、名人杂志和网站把他们的每时每刻都记录下来, 从出去喝咖啡到参加迷人的首映式和炫目的音乐会. 和, 是的, whenever they make a mistake, those same outlets bring it to your phones 和 tablets in real time. 

有时,这些“糟糕”的时刻在我们的名人告别后很长一段时间里一直伴随着他们, as their heirs 和 other interested parties battle over their estates. You might think that these stars, with their giant entourages, must have trusted financial professionals in their lives, assisting them in creating estate strategies–but in many cases, 你就错了. 可能是因为他们对房地产策略有误解,也可能是因为他们意外去世, these celebs have seen their legacies turn into games of tug-of-war. 

灵魂歌后, 艾瑞莎•弗兰克林, 是美国历史上最大的唱片艺术家之一,也是全球最畅销的艺术家. From her early days singing gospel in her father’s Detroit church, 艾瑞莎凭借《AG捕鱼王在线app下载》等单曲获得了成功,“《AG捕鱼王在线app下载》。,和“思考”.” With 112 singles on the Billboard charts, Franklin had #1 hits in the 1960s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 和, 最后, 2014. In the world of popular music, her legacy is assured. 

然而,艾瑞莎从她传奇的职业生涯中获得的许多经济回报却不那么确定. 在她2018年去世后, multiple documents were found among her effects 和 papers, leading to a four-year legal dispute over the Queen of Soul’s estate. The trial proved emotional 和 dramatic for family members, with even voicemails from Aretha, a literal voice from beyond, 这不仅决定了她的财富,也决定了她的知识产权(歌曲)的命运, 录音, 和更多). 最终, 法院裁定,在艾瑞莎沙发上发现的四页手写的遗嘱代表了她的最终遗嘱. 1,2

While your estate strategy can change over time, it’s important to formalize your changes as soon as possible. 事故总会发生, 但这些手写的手稿交给专业人士保管,可能比藏在家具里对艾瑞莎的家人更有好处. It might have helped them avoid such a long legal process.

Most people in their twenties aren’t thinking much about their estates. 吉姆·莫里森忙于过着摇滚明星的生活,无暇顾及这件事. 1965年至1971年, Morrison was the frontman for The Doors, the psychedelically inspired rock b和 who made hits with “Hello, 我爱你,“点燃我的火。,和“疯狂地爱她”.”在一起, 他们从洛杉矶威士忌Go Go夜总会的开场演出到世界巡演,为他们的六张专辑做宣传. 记录L之后.A. 1971年的女人, 莫里森(被粉丝称为“蜥蜴王”)决定休假一段时间,和女友帕梅拉·库森住在巴黎. A few months later, Morrison died of reported heart failure at age 27.

Despite his reputation for the fast life 和 excess, which undoubtedly contributed to his tragic early death, 莫里森留下了一份两页的遗嘱,指定帕梅拉·库森为他的主要继承人. While his assets were relatively modest at the time of his death, 他拥有门乐队四分之一的股份,而他的去世又重新燃起了人们对乐队的兴趣, his estate blossomed into a financial juggernaut. 不幸的是,库森在他去世三年后去世,没有自己的意愿. This led to a dispute over Morrison’s legacy, 他的父母和库森的继承人都对他的遗嘱能力提出了质疑. 最终, they elected to divide Morrison’s estate evenly, out of court.3

莫里森遗嘱的案例突出了两个重要因素:1)每个人都需要一个称职的遗产战略, even those who may feel they are too young to worry about such things. 2)一份清晰的书面和深思熟虑的遗嘱可能会锁定你的最终意图. 在莫里森的案例中, 他特别将分居的父母排除在遗嘱之外,没有提到他们的名字, instead listing his brother 和 sister as alternate heirs after Courson. 当然还有其他(或更好的)方式来支持他的兄弟姐妹而不是他的父母, as well as avoid the courtroom drama after Courson’s passing.

While these are two famous examples, there are many other famous celebrity estates to consider, including the following:

  • Frank Sinatra made sure his $100 million estate had no issues; he stipulated a provision disinheriting any individual who contested his will. 最终, they did it his way.3

  • 喜剧演员罗宾·威廉姆斯把财产留给了孩子,把房子留给了妻子, with the provision that the house went to his children after her death. 不幸的是, he said nothing about his personal effects, including valuable movie memorabilia, that existed inside the house, 是什么导致了双方之间的纠纷,并在2015年庭外和解.3

  • 模特兼真人秀明星安娜·妮可·史密斯与商人J. 霍华德•马歇尔, 结婚14个月后,她年迈的丈夫就去世了,他的遗嘱里没有提到吗. 在婚礼之前,现有的遗嘱指定马歇尔的儿子为他的第一继承人. This led to a very public legal dispute that continued for 20 years. 到法院做出第二次也是最近一次裁决时(该裁决仍可重新审理), both Anna Nicole 和 Marshall’s son were deceased.3

  • 王子, 是谁曾经竭尽全力迫使他的唱片公司和媒体用一个难以发音的符号来称呼他, never took the time to write a will, informally or otherwise. 明尼苏达州法院花了六年时间才确定他1.56亿美元的继承人, splitting it into two 有限责任公司s, each controlled by three of 王子’s six half-siblings.4

这些故事可能引人入胜,也可能令人悲情,但它们都突显了一个清晰而全面的遗产战略的重要性. Even those of us mere mortals who don’t have to deal with record executives, 电影制片人, 狗仔队有可能犯错误,给我们的家人和亲人带来代价高昂和麻烦.

1. NY Times, July 11, 2023
2. Detroit Free Press, April 21, 2023
3. 蛋糕,2020年8月25日
4. CNN, 2022年8月3日

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